A small checklist when starting a new server. Just to do not waste time boostrapping tests.

  1. Add a new user for the application:

     # Pick a strong password
     adduser username
  2. Add a new user to the “sudo” group

     gpasswd -a username sudo
  3. Logged in as the new user, generate a ssh key pair - usually used for readonly access of a private hosted project so we’re able to fetch and release new versions.

     ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  4. Add your local public ssh key (workstation) to the remote server by using ssh-copy-id or by copying it inside the ~username/.ssh/authorized_keys

     ssh-copy-id demo@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS
  5. Disallow remote SSH access to the root.

     sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
     # Find for the line: PermitRootLogin yes
     # and change it to: PermitRootLogin no
     # Save the file and restart the SSH daemon
     sudo service ssh restart